Ahukura big day in!

Kia ora/Talofa lava/Hello, My name is Vivian and today I am going to share with you what was happening at our Waka Ahukura! First, everyone met at the hall and we had a little jumping jam while waiting for the bouncy castle to be set up. After, it was all set up, we made a line, took off our shoes , put it in our bag then we slowly walked to ahukuru field. My friends  and I went inside the first bouncy castle and it’s was fun. We slid down the slide and we also did it in backwards and its was so funny because we all  bumped into each other. Next, we went in the Spiderman bouncy castle .It’s was so chilling in there because it’s only few people. After the waterslide was set up, we went to get changed into our togs and lined up.We went down the slide and the water was freezing cold. So, we tried the other slide and its was also cold.  So, we went to get changed and went back to the bouncy castle. After the long day, it was finally lunch time. We were in groups of 10, and every groups got  fizzy drinks, pizzas and hot chips. It was delicous and I was so full. After that, we went on the bouncy castle again and played for few minutes, Then, we have to go  and pick up rubbish and who got the most rubbish won a fizzy drink. Finally, we had to sit and waited to go home, I had a tiring day but had so much fun! That’s all .

Bye , comments some feedbacks if you want👋!

Camp 2023

Kia Ora My Name is Vivian and today I am going to share with you today what I have been doing at Christian Youth Camp. On the first day of camp everyone met up at the grass field  in there swimming togs we went into groups and rotate activities , after that we follows our group to the next activies our group which is kayaking and it’s was fun next we head to the swimming pools and I love the hot pools it was literally amazing its so relaxing and calm , and we went to rock climming  after swimming and it was challenging that i dont realling enjoy it much after that we have our whole waka swim at the swimming pool there was so many people we have to line up to enter the hot pool which is my favourite it’s was fun because i get to see my friends / swims with my friends after the whole day with my group. it’s it’s time for dinner we hop out the pools and have a warm showing it was soooooo good after i got out of the shower I went backn to the cabins and talk a little about my day with my friends in the cabins while we wait for the food to be maded. After we ate dinner we wait for a while playing around at the park. its was dark and each group gets a turn to camp fire mushmallows, each person gets to get 3 mushmallows and its was delicious mine is kinda black hahah. after that I went back to my cabins and me and my friends went to the bathroom and brush our teeth , we went back to our cabins and have a little chat and we head to sleep but it wasn’t the best sleep at all beacuse teachers went in our cabins becuase we makes so many noices, The End of day 1 at Camp. Hope ya’ll  enjoy it



Kia Ora my name is Vivian , today me and my class went to Wero Waterpark, and I will show you what we did!, We did river crossing and it was challenging. We didn’t make it to the end but it’s alright atleast we tried. After that we went on a raft we used the paddles to help it move faster and we went rafting in the rivers. Its was so fun we scream and laughed. The guy that helped us was so kind he made us laugh so hard. We got to do it twice and it was amazing. When it was it time we then made our way back  to the start and got changed. while we were on the way going back  to the start, the boys in the raft next to us started to race against us we were rushing , and it turns out the boys beat us but its alright we have so much fun though, we got change, and eat while we wait for the bus to arrive. The end.

comments some feedbacls if u want!


miro:bit Codding

Kia ora, My name is Vivian and today I will be showing you what I have been learning in micro bit codding. In micro bit you can add music and you can change the beats for the sound to go faster or slower. You  can download it without any cost or money. It’s fun and easy and my favorite part was adding cool icon partternts like hearts and more. It’s was very fun doing this and that’s all for today , Bye comments some feedbacks if u want.

Minecraft Codding!

Kia Ora , my name is Vivian and today I will be going to show you what I have been learning  about in minecraft codding. I have been learning how to break trees , shearing sheeps , how to build a house and planting  flowers. As I move to the next level it’s getting harder and harder but it’s still fun. The challenging part was building a house because it’s big and difficult. I really enjoy doing minecraft codding it’s fun and Amazing. That’s all  for today Bye comment some feedback if u want!

Homai’s Got Tanlent

Kia Ora

Today I am going to share with you about our Homai’s got Talent

We did a dance called Barney  which is a dinosaur  song/dance and we added some dino raps and more differents song

And we made a dino mask it’s was challenging at first but it gets easyier.

But we actually came Second place in the final day  which is very good. YAY!!

And that’s all for today


Comment Some Feedbacks with u ☺

Digital Art

Kia Ora

My name is Vivian and today I am going to share with you what I been learning about in Digital Art.

I have been learning how to draw diffrents animal by using shapes and lines. I really enojoy doing it because its fun and easy. The best part was making grass with a triangle it was fast and easy. This is all for now Bye! Comment some feedbacks if u want.

Ka kete

Matariki Art

Kia Ora , My name is Vivian , Today I am going to share with you what I have been learning about in Matariki Art. I have been learning how to make a Matariki art by using shapes and lines, one of the best thing  I have learnt in Matariki art was making a galaxy sky to match my stars and mountain , I got the ideas from my friends and teacher. I really enjoy learning about Matariki art to celebrate Matariki new year. the challenging part of making this was drawing a star with polylines its a bit hard to draw perfect stars but I try my best to draw it . So that is all for today bye, comment some feedback if you want!

Ka Kete👋

Coding with Flappy bird!!

Kia ora My name is Vivian and today i will be sharing what i have learnt in flappy bird .

I leant how to make my own game by creating the puzzel.

I like how it is easy and fun, my friends and i create our own glitch and it make it very easy to play.

I really enjoy Coding Flappy bird.

and that all for Coding today and i have so much fun doing it .

THE END                     

Dance Party coding!

Kia Ora

Today i have been learning about how to make your own moves/dance and background .

One of the best things i learnt was the background cause it look very good ,if the background wasn’t in it it look basic and boring .

I got the idea from The video that teach u how to do it .

I  really enjoyed doing doing the puzzle .

The challenging part of making this was the puzzle cause it make me conufuse .

Have you ever learnt about Dance Party ? No


Bye have a great day Comment if you want  💌